light nights Augsburg_


On the 26th and 27th of October, a very special light spectacle awaits you in Augsburg: the Light Nights Augsburg. These will take place for the first time in Augsburg and in the last weekend in October, the Town Hall Square and the Philippine Welser Street and the Fugger Square skillfully in scene.



An enthroned Augustus in front of a Roman façade, the Alpine rivers Lech and Wertach, whose waters are transformed into liquid silver and copper, a gentle wind that peels off the metal layer and reveals the Fuggerei, fabrics that slide down and reveal portraits. If you are in Augsburg city center on Saturday, October 26th and Sunday, October 27th, starting at 7:00 pm, you will experience a unique festival of light with the Light Nights Augsburg, inviting you on an extraordinary journey through light, time and space.


Platz mit historischen Gebäuden und Außengastronomie


Center of the Light Nights Augsburg is the Rathausplatz, where on both days between 19 and 23 o'clock there ten-minute light shows with videos, 3D animations and artistic graphic elements with topics from 2000 years of Augsburg history are shown and repeated every 20 minutes. For this, the facades of the town hall, Perlachturm and Eckerle-Haus transform into large canvases, which remain illuminated during the breaks.

In the breaks, you should definitely follow the floral, bright signposts and go once through the Philippine Welser Street to Fuggerplatz, where you will find the light installations "Color Bow" and "King of Color and Love" of light artist Jörn Hanitzsch the monument of Hans Fugger and the Maximilian Museum in scene and highlight their importance for the arts and science. The special feature here is that the artful illuminations are made up into a unique artworks of light.

Admission is free!

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You can find the original artical here.

author Marin Dimitrov

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